Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie


Ramin Zahed, Sony Pictures

Should you read this book?

The best public reviews summarized for you.

Who is this book for?

  • This book would likely appeal to fans of the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse film, animation enthusiasts, and aspiring artists interested in the behind-the-scenes process of creating a visually innovative animated feature.
  • It would be particularly enjoyable for those who appreciate detailed concept art, character designs, and insights into the creative decisions behind the film's unique visual style.
  • Comic book fans, especially those interested in Spider-Man lore and its various interpretations, would also find value in exploring the artistic evolution of these characters across different dimensions.

Who is unlikely to appreciate this book?

  • Readers looking for a comprehensive, technical breakdown of the animation process or extensive storyboards might be disappointed with this art book.
  • Those expecting a larger format book with more full-page spreads of artwork may find the smaller size and layout unsatisfying.
  • Individuals seeking in-depth information on every character or dimension featured in the film might feel the content is lacking.
  • Additionally, readers who are particularly sensitive to editing issues or incomplete information might find the book's organization and some omissions frustrating.
  • Lastly, those who prefer more traditional art books with rough sketches and extensive developmental artwork might not appreciate the polished nature of much of the included art.

Things online reviewers enjoyed about this book

  • Showcases the groundbreaking animation process and visual innovation of the film
  • Offers exclusive concept art, sketches, character designs, and storyboards
  • Provides insights into the creative process through interviews with key creators
  • Explores the multiple dimensions and character designs in great detail
  • Highlights the influence of comic books on the film's visual storytelling
  • Includes work from renowned comic book artists
  • Demonstrates the progressive depiction of multiple cultures in the film
  • Shows cut sequences that didn't make it to the final film
  • Offers in-depth explanations of intentional design aspects for characters and settings
  • Serves as an inspirational resource for artists and animation enthusiasts

Things people didn't like as much about this book

  • Some readers feel it lacks sufficient character concept art compared to social media posts
  • Doesn't credit all original comic book artists and authors for character introductions
  • Some find it less comprehensive than the art book for the first Spider-Verse film
  • Lacks content on certain characters seen in the movie (e.g., spider dinosaur, spider car)
  • Poor editing with unfinished sentences and tracking issues in some sections
  • Smaller size compared to the first film's art book, limiting appreciation of detailed artwork
  • Some artwork is printed too small to fully appreciate
  • Lacks storyboards and rough concept sketches some readers expect in art books
  • Doesn't provide as deep a dive into character creation as some hoped for
  • Some feel YouTube videos offer better insights than the book


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