Tasting History: Explore the Past through 4,000 Years of Recipes


Max Miller, Ann Volkwein

Should you read this book?

The best public reviews summarized for you.

Who is this book for?

  • History enthusiasts who enjoy learning about food culture and traditions.
  • Adventurous cooks willing to try unique and challenging recipes.
  • Fans of Max Miller's YouTube channel 'Tasting History' looking for a companion cookbook.
  • Food lovers interested in experiencing flavors from different historical periods.
  • Readers who appreciate cookbooks that offer more than just recipes, including historical context and stories.

Who is unlikely to appreciate this book?

  • Cooks looking for quick, easy, and practical everyday recipes.
  • Those who prefer modern, familiar dishes without historical context.
  • Readers expecting an in-depth history book rather than a cookbook.
  • People with limited access to specialty ingredients or cooking equipment.
  • Those who are sensitive to or dislike rich, heavy, or strongly flavored historical dishes.

Things online reviewers enjoyed about this book

  • Blends history and recipes, offering a unique culinary journey through time
  • Features recipes from various historical periods and cultures around the world
  • Provides historical context and background for each recipe
  • Adapts ancient recipes for modern kitchens and ingredients
  • Includes beautiful photographs and historical artwork
  • Offers a mix of familiar and lesser-known dishes
  • Provides original recipes alongside modern interpretations
  • Thoroughly researched with attention to historical accuracy
  • Entertaining and educational content
  • Includes substitutions for hard-to-find or extinct ingredients

Things people didn't like as much about this book

  • Not suitable for those looking for quick and easy everyday recipes
  • Some recipes are labor-intensive and time-consuming
  • Not all recipes have accompanying photos
  • Heavy focus on European cuisine, with less representation from other regions
  • Some recipes may require unusual or hard-to-find ingredients
  • Some dishes may not appeal to modern tastes
  • Less extensive historical background compared to the author's YouTube channel
  • Some recipes are high in sugar or rich ingredients
  • Geographical sections cover a wide range of time periods, which may feel scattered
  • Limited representation of indigenous cuisines from the Americas

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